Localista Neighborhood News Advertising

To better promote your business in specific geographic areas where your customers live we focus on individual neighborhoods by branding our publications for those neighborhoods.
Your Ad will automatically renew every 3 months for 1 year. For more information click here Localista Neighborhood News

We’re currently reserving ad space for two Redondo Beach neighborhoods:
Beryl Heights Localista Neighborhood News[stripe name=”Localista News Advertising” description=”Localista News Advertising” checkout_button_label=”Pay {{amount}}” payment_button_label=”Pay With Credit Card”]
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[stripe_plan id=”newshalfpage” label=”Half Page”]
[stripe_plan id=”newsquarter” label=”Quarter Page”]
[stripe_plan id=”newsixth” label=”Sixth Page”]
[stripe_plan id=”newseighth” label=”Eighth Page”]

The Avenues Localista Neighborhood News[stripe name=”Localista News Advertising” description=”Reserve Now!” checkout_button_label=”Pay {{amount}}” payment_button_label=”Pay With Credit Card”]
[stripe_subscription label=”Select a Size:”]
[stripe_plan id=”newsfullpage-aves” label=”Full Page”]
[stripe_plan id=”newshalfpage-aves” label=”Half Page”]
[stripe_plan id=”newsquarter-aves” label=”Quarter Page”]
[stripe_plan id=”newsixth-aves” label=”Sixth Page”]
[stripe_plan id=”newseighth-aves” label=”Eighth Page”]

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