Using Podcasts to Promote Your Business
Podcasting is blogging with audio and video instead of text. Essentially, you post an MP3 file or video file instead of an article.
5 Reasons Why Podcasts Are Great
- An increasing number of people are downloading new podcasts every day. In fact iTunes has over 575 Million active users.
- Unlike traditional Radio and TV, podcast can be played whenever the listener wants.
- People can listen to them in their cars on their way to work or when they go for a run. You will get their full attention to let your message sink in.
- There is a lot less competition in the podcast market than there is in the article market.
- Podcasting can be a lot easier and less time-consuming than blogging and getting your articles published.
5 Steps to Producing a Podcast
- Download Audacity at (for PCs) or any other audio editing tool.
- Get a good microphone – You can your your Smart Phone but the quality won’t be as good.
- Write the script (so the podcast doesn’t sound improvised and amateurish).
- Record it in a noise-free environment.
- Apply the noise-reduction filter in your audio editing software and save the podcast file.
There are a number of Podcasting stations or hosting services or you can host them on your own web site or blog. If you’d prefer to focus on your own business rather than learning a new skill there are companies that offer old school radio-like interview services to make you sound more professional. We’ve included two of these below. (full disclosure: We own Localista Radio and have an interest in Authr Radio.)
Localista Radio provides a great platform for local businesses to market themselves via an existing platform that is distributed to iTunes, YouTube and is embedded in your own web site or blog.
Authr Radio provides a great platform for Authors and Publishing or Writing Consultants to market themselves via an existing platform that is distributed to iTunes, YouTube and is embedded in your own web site or blog.